Swap using execute()

Let's Swap 0.1 USDC => ETH

Since this is the first section, I'm going to write it out in full, and from add liquidity on, I'm going to keep it simple and easy to understand.

using TokenLib for Token;
if you don't want to import Token lib, you could simply use this snippet instead for Token type conversion.

For ERC20, it's just a bytes32 left padded with 0.
For Eth(Native token), use 0xEEEE..E as token address.

type Token is bytes32;
function toToken(IERC20 tok) pure returns (Token) {
  return Token.wrap(bytes32(uint256(uint160(address(tok)))));
IVault vault = IVault(0x1d0188c4B276A09366D05d6Be06aF61a73bC7535);

uint8 constant SWAP = 0;
uint8 constant GAUGE = 1;

uint8 constant EXACTLY = 0;
uint8 constant AT_MOST = 1;
uint8 constant ALL = 2;

function swapExample() external {
    address usdc = 0x176211869cA2b568f2A7D4EE941E073a821EE1ff;
    address vc = 0xcc22F6AA610D1b2a0e89EF228079cB3e1831b1D1;
    address eth = address(0);
    address usdc_eth_pool = vault.getPair(usdc, eth);
    address usdc_eth_lp = usdc_eth_pool;

    IERC20(usdc).approve(address(vault), type(uint256).max);
    // you can optimize gas by batching operations.
    // this example will execute them separately for clarity

    //swap usdc->eth
        Remember that Execute takes 3 params : Token[], deposit[], Op[].
        Let's construct them one by one. 
        First, deposit[] is rarely used, so you could just set it as a zero array with the same length as Token array.

    //Step 1. Prepare Token array
    //2 tokens, USDC & ETH are involved in this swap.
    Token[] memory tokens = new Token[](2);

    tokens[0] = toToken(IERC20(usdc));
    tokens[1] = eth == address(0) ? NATIVE_TOKEN : toToken(IERC20(eth));// =NATIVE_TOKEN for eth

    //Step 2. Prepare Op array        
    /* struct operation {
        // 1byte optype(SWAP/STAKE/CONVERT/VOTE/handleUserBalance) + (11bytes 0 padding) + 20bytes related pool address
        bytes32 poolId;
        // 1byte index at Token[] above + 1 byte amount Type(exactly/at most/vitual balance)
        // + (14bytes padding)+ 16bytes int128 desiredAmount(=minimum Amt)
        bytes32[] tokenInformations;
        //usually empty. ""
        bytes data;
    } */
    // We are doing only one operation here. Swap. So op length is 1. 
    operation[] memory ops = new operation[](1);
    // optype==SWAP, pool=usdc_eth_pool
    ops[0].poolId = toPoolId(SWAP,usdc_eth_pool);

    ops[0].tokenInformations = new bytes32[](2);
    // Index for usdc is 0 at Token[], Exactly 0.1e6 USDC is used. pool receives USDC so amount is positive.
    ops[0].tokenInformations[0] = toTokenInfo(0x00,EXACTLY,0.1e6);
    // Index for eth is 1 at Token[]. We didn't set slippage here, but you could calculate the minimum amount and use the number instead of 0.
    // ETH is expected to flow out of the pool, so the sign of int128 should be negative. if the minimum amount you want is 0.1 eth, use int128(-0.1).
    // That's why it's called AT_MOST, not AT_LEAST.
    ops[0].tokenInformations[1] = toTokenInfo(0x01,AT_MOST,0);        
    ops[0].data = "";
    //Step 3. execute() !!
    return execute(tokens, new int128[](2), ops);